Listings in Kent

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Kent

All listings in Kent

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Added 1 day ago

Steve (Sevenoaks)

Interested in 5e but would give anything a go!

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Added 6 days ago

Alex (Canterbury)

I’m a fairly new player (only played a couple of sessions before) but I am wildly in love with DND and have watched countless hours online so I am fairly good with the rules. Looking for anyone around the age of 18 who wants to play/DM a game with me! :)

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Added 6 days ago

J Crockers (Folkestone)

New to D&D, but watched a few campaigns online and playing BG3 so have an idea of the basics and I'm looking forward to learning more and meeting new people!

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Added 12 days ago

Aemon (Maidstone)

Semi-Experienced F5 & pf2e player looking for a game

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Added 14 days ago

Vix (Folkestone)

Some experience in DnD and Pathfinder, looking for a local group to join and play campaigns and/or one shots

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Added 18 days ago

Daniel huckfield (Edenbridge)

New to D&D and looking to play in person or online

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Added 21 days ago

Darren (Maidstone)

D&D 5th edition

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Flux (Dover)

Looking for Dnd 5e players to join ongoing campaigns

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Jack (Sittingbourne)

Played a few games as a player, looking to learn to DM and run some games. Would like to try a few different systems and not take the rules too seriously so its more about the story and having fun.

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Harriet (Dartford)

I have played in 2 DND groups both 4e edition and 5e edition as a warlock both times. looking for a weekly or bi weekly newbie group to join up with.

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Alex H (Sevenoaks)

Hi I'm Alex, and I'm looking for groups around Sevenoaks, Tonbridge and Tunbridge Wells that play TTRPG games. I'm pretty new to RPG's, but enjoyed Baldurs gate 3 and wanted to try out something like that but with other people. Super appreciated if you could help a beginner out. I also like to paint fantasy models, which maybe are used in these games (not sure). Open to magic the gathering and one page rules as well.

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juyjuj (Sevenoaks)

dnd 5e

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Alex H (Sevenoaks)

Hi I'm Alex, and I'm looking for groups around Sevenoaks, Tonbridge and Tunbridge Wells that play TTRPG games. I'm pretty new to RPG's, but enjoyed Baldurs gate 3 and wanted to try out something like that but with other people. Super appreciated if you could help a beginner out. I also like to paint fantasy models, which maybe are used in these games (not sure). Open to magic the gathering and one page rules as well.

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Luke (Canterbury)

Hi, I am Luke from Canterbury. Lots of experience GMing, but looking to get involved in a game where I can actually be a player for once. Best of luck everyone!

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Dopey (Sittingbourne)

Have never played D&D, used to play vampire 20+ years ago, wanted to play D&D for decades, never had the time or people to play with. Looking for a group that doesn't mind having a newbie tag along and figure out what they are doing.

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JustDaniella (Whitstable)

I'm Daniella! Love playing board and card games. Love watching dungeons and dragons but never played. Really want to get into playing DND 5e and meet new people!

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Kent and Sussex D&D and RPG Club (Tunbridge Wells)

We meet every Monday at 7pm at Ticehurst Village Hall - small contributions to hall hire if possible (first session no contribution necessary). At present we have two tables playing 5e and one playing a variety of other things (currently The Well). New players and GMs welcome. Our mai aim is to create a friendly accepting home for anyone, whether new to TTRPGs or an old hand, regardless of background. Just drop in and join in or find us on FB / MeetUp

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Jonathan Kent (Tunbridge Wells)

I play all sorts of TTRPGs - I have a particular affection for Traveller, but enjoy 5e, Lex Occultam, Vaesen, The Well, Call of Cthulhu, MausRitter, Ragnarok and many others. I've been at this lark far too long.

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skylarkjoy (Chatham)

d and d

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Twice19 (Ebbsfleet)

I played a few TTRPG’s many, many years ago (mostly Inquisition, some homebrew Fallout style too), but I’ve never played D&D. I’ve been listening to a great real-play D&D podcast recently and it has me in the mood to get playing! Total newbie, but I’m familiar with the rules and mechanics etc. It would be a great way to meet some people and make some friends too!

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