Listings in Chatham
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Chatham

Maritime Games
A student gaming society at the University of Greenwich Maritime Campus in Chatham has regular club meetings three times weekly to play a wide variety of roleplay, board, card and miniature games as well as hold local LARP (live action roleplay) group events.
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Chicago Dungeons & Dragons Newbie Sessions
irill K. and 1,078 others Come join us at D&D Newbies to learn and play the fifth edition of Dungeons & Dragons! We have a friendly and inviting atmosphere for people of all skill levels. Our planned one-shot activities are designed particularly for beginners, and characters can either be premade or made with D&D Beyond. Sessions typically last four hours, so please remember to make sure your RSVP is accurate and to be on time. If you are new to D&D and have no idea what you're doing, don’t worry–many of the attendees have never gamed before and we will be around to help. Unfortunately, we don't allow spectators as they have proven to be disruptive in the past. We offer a large variety of races and classes, all of which must be officially published and playtested. However, it's possible that certain restrictions may be imposed by the DM. Additionally, one-shots are their own, unique stories, so if you miss one, don't fret, you can always attend the next one! If you feel overwhelmed by the freedom that D&D provides, we will support you every step of the way. For further information, more FAQs can be found on our website, as can our Discord server and useful Player Resources.
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Chicago Pathfinder and D&D 5th ed. RPG
Events & ConferencesOur purpose is to connect players with experienced Dungeon Masters for campaigns in D&D and Pathfinder. We post any new campaign openings below and email members who wish to take part in them. Join our group to indicate your interests and preferences if you're interested in being considered for openings. Game Masters or Dungeon Masters are also needed: we offer advice and help anyone in the greater Chicago area seeking to set up a new campaign, including finding players. For an example of our success, check out our current campaigns below! Our organizer's past campaigns include a Pathfinder offering (long-running with six different groups of players) and a D&D 5th Ed one -- featuring even a welcomed visit to Hell! Player evaluations from those are provided too.
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Riverside Area Dungeon Crawls (D&D)
D. PMDAVE P. PMThis Dungeons and Dragons group is centered around 5e rules and activities will be split between dungeon crawls and role-playing. WeAre initially using Riverside public library, although other locations will be considered. We encourage new and rejoining players, and pre-made characters are available too. Our past events can be seen on the website!
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Chi-burbs D&D 5e and other board games
UVFREWLKI This group has been created to bring people who are fond of board games together. Particularly, those into Dungeons and Dragons 5e, which I find particularly enjoyable. Establishing a physical meetup is the ultimate goal, though for now we can use Steam, Discord and Roll20 to engage in online play. No events have been arranged as of yet. Organized by Danerogil, 26 members have been joined already.
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Dungeon Crawl Classics Oak Park Group
RYR is a group of people in their 40s who play the D&D-based RPG, Dungeon Crawl Classics. Recently, a few players have left, so we're looking for two or three new adventurers, aged anywhere from their 30s to 50s. Our group meets at a place in Oak Park - when we can agree on a Sunday - from 11am to 5pm. If you're someone who's interested in DCC RPG and are of a normal disposition, please introduce yourself; we would love to meet you! We've had four events in the past, with attendance ranging from one to two.
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The Chicago area Dungeons & Dragons / RPG Meetup Group
itaF This group allows gamers and people interested in gaming to come together, no matter their experience level. We host various events for all types of players. All you have to do is find an event you like, show up, and have fun. Past events have had up to 205 members and 2,607 have joined the group, and it continues to grow. Terry is the primary organizer along with two others.
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DND CLUB Chicago - Dungeons and Dragons RPG Community
What we’re aboutWelcome to DnD Club - Professional Run Online RPGS You want to play roleplaying games like Dungeons and Dragons. You’ve watched Critical Role, you bought the Starter Kit, you’ve created multiple characters...and you’re stuck. You are in the right place. I started this business to create a welcoming, safe, and encouraging community for tabletop roleplaying. We now have a international community of over 5000 players and we continue to expand. This hobby can seem very difficult to access, and getting started can feel impossible. This group is about eliminating those barriers and creating a wonderful place for both new and experienced gamers. Our team of professional GMs runs the games you dream about: reliable, immersive, and professional. Our mission: Heroic immersion: Regardless of the system or DM, we want you to feel as if you are walking the forests of Mirkwood, through the world of Exandria, or into the dungeon of a Mad Mage. We immerse players, new and experienced, in classic, heroic adventures, in the theme of Tolkien, Lovecraft, Howard, and many more...every single session. Reliability: Not only do our games provide an excellent experience, they are reliable. We run at least 10 games per month, and our player attendance rate is above 95%. Additionally, we have a team of 30 DMs working together to ensure that we never cancel an event. Player Driven: Our games are player driven, putting you and your character at the center of the plot. Your choices will decide the outcome: from heroic victory to an untimely end. We encourage adventure feedback and try to make each session even better than the last. RPGs are an awesome experience, and our tables are open to all players 21+ years of age. We'll teach you everything you need to know, and everybody we play with is very welcoming to players interested in checking out the hobby. Tickets: Here's the secret to this group: we pay our DMs. Because of this, sessions run on time, with prepared facilitators, and typically full tables of players. Accordingly, all players are required to purchase their seats in advance to each session. Because preparation by the DM and other participants is impacted by the number of players, ticket reservations are final, no exceptions. Also, please do not "drop in" to the event. Cash is not accepted at the table.🔥🔮⚔️ Why on earth would I pay to play an RPG? Three reasons: reliability, quality, and immersion. Because all our players have "skin in the game" they are much more invested. Because we compensate our DMs, they are always on point with an awesome adventure. I personally vet each GM and the GM team upholds rigorous quality standards of play. Quality Standards: a) We make sure all participants have the materials they need, whether in person or online. b) Sessions occur on schedule, at the same date and time each week, unless all participants agree to a new date and time. We've run over 1,600 sessions and had essentially zero cancelations. c) Our players realize this is a cooperative endeavor. Mutual respect and cooperation is what we expect of all participants. DMs are trained in how to "share the spotlight" and no player is allowed to derail the experience. d) In game themes of sexual assault, rape, or real world racism are expressly prohibited. Obviously these things are also prohibited between people as well. e) DMs are highly responsive to feedback. We encourage all players to message either their DMs or me personally to ensure that each experience is awesome! f) Disruptive behaviors by participants are first resolved in game, and then addressed by GMs out of game. DMs may remove players from sessions if needed to ensure a quality session. (To date we've never had to do this because players tend to work really well together.) g) If there are any issues regarding DMs, please contact me (Adam Scott). If any of these standards have been broken, I will provide a full refund for your session. h) DMs are expected to be prepared and begin on time. They are expected to deliver a quality experience on the platform of their choosing (typically roll20 and discord), every session. About your host: My name is Adam Scott. I'm the owner and head GM of DnD Club. We have run games for over 5,000 players over the past three years. In my previous line of work, I was a classroom teacher for 15 years. I bring those same principles that made me an effective teacher to the RPG table. Everybody loves a great teacher, right? Those same skills make great GMs. I learned how to play role playing games virtually as soon as I could roll dice and haven't looked back. A huge fantasy and science fiction fan, I've engaged in immersive storytelling for 20+ years, both with friends and in my classroom as a career teacher. All are welcome at our tables so long as you're ready to work together, support one another, and have a great time. We look forward to having you at the table. Adam Scott DnD Club discord ID: Adam Scott - DnD Club#3754Upcoming events (4+)See allSun, Sep 24, 2023, 10:00 PM UTCD&D 5e Campaign: Dastardly and Dangerous (table is full)Link visible for attendees$18.00Table is full, not accepting new players at this time. *** Beginners encouraged! TECH REQUIRMENTS: Game will be conducted via Discord and Roll20. Computer/laptop with appropriate functionality required, as is a microphone. Webcam encouraged (we're here to socialize after all), but its not required. Campaign will meet weekly at the same day and time (with exceptions for DM illness/emergencies) until completion. Sign up required each session to participate. Campaign Overview: Perched upon the ocean, a city of riches, intrigue, violence and corruption the city of Baulder's Gate has many legends, only some of with which you are finally acquainted. You've heard of the Watch and the Flaming Fist, who's law and protection can often receive purchase for coin passed in pouches in the night. The Thieves Guild lurk behind every corner, seeking influence and control...having possibly already achieved more than most know. But all that aside, The year is 1492, and you are a powerful adventurer in the Sword Coast! You may be an experienced dungeon delver, a fearsome dragon slayer, or perhaps something else just as grand. The City of Baldur's Gate has experienced grave loss and political upheaval. An evil wizard, Garrick of Westgate, has succeeded in his dastardly plot to kill or control the leaders of Baldur's Gate, but a group of brave heroes stand against him. However, Garrick, powerful though he may be, is not the only threat to this world. Monstrous crime lords litter the sword coast, mortals meddle in the Feywild, powerful beings dream of chaos under the sea, and Devils conspire against the Material Plane itself. Join the Champions of Baldur's Gate and experience a hero's journey full of laughter, heartbreak, and glory. Are you keen to test your fortitude, attempt to etch your name in the annals of history, maybe defend the poor and wretched for the favor of your Gods, or stick out your mailed fist and grasp onto as much as possible, letting go only when your rivals have come to heel at your might...or your dead fingers release as you pass into obscurity. Welcome to Faerûn! About the DM: Cameron is a longtime GM who enjoys working with new players and helping create player focused stories. Pregenerated Characters found here: DM will provide link to virtual tabletop upon sign up. DM will provide link to private discord or zoom platform (for video/audio) upon sign up. Who will enjoy this campaign? Players brand new to table top roleplaying! This is a great "getting started" adventure. Players who want to explore an urban setting filled with intrigue, danger, conflict, and all sorts of adventure. Players looking for a balance of social, exploration, and combat gameplay. What if you've never played an RPG, what is it like? Our games are player driven, putting you and your character at the center of the plot. Your choices will decide the outcome: from hard fought victory to an untimely end. We're here to tell a great story that makes you feel like you're in your favorite book or movie. Event policies Tickets: Players are required to purchase seat tickets for each session. This ensures reliable participation by the members, and thorough preparation and follow through by the DMs. This allows us to compensate DMs for events to ensure a positive experience from beginning to end. In reserving your seat you are committing to the DM and fellow players that you will attend, as preparation is based on number of players. Therefore, ticket sales are final, no exceptions. Please do not "drop in" to or "zoom bomb" the event. Open tables: D&D is an awesome experience, and our tables are open to all players. We'll teach you everything you need to know, and everybody we play with is very welcoming to players interested in checking out the hobby.1 attendeeAttendMon, Sep 25, 2023, 7:00 PM CDTD&D 5e Campaign: Devil Playing Field (Avernus, Table Full)Needs location$25.00Table Full Our GMs like to conduct a free "session zero" with new players upon sign up. Its best to make sure this is done at least 24 hours before your first adventure session. Please ping Sean upon sign up so he can help you get ready! GM Sean's Discord: MEDM#3279 . Send him a friend request so he can open a chat with you. Also, you are welcome to message Adam Scott and I'll connect you both. ----------- Online Game Adventure overview: Hail and Well Met! Welcome to Baldur's Gate, a city of ambition and corruption. You’ve just started your adventuring career, but already find yourself embroiled in a plot that sprawls from the shadows of Baldur's Gate to the front lines of the planes-spanning Blood War! Do you have what it takes to turn infernal war machines and nefarious contracts against the archdevil Zariel and her diabolical hordes? And can you ever hope to find your way home safely when pitted against the infinite evils of the Nine Hells? It is a time for adventurers, a time for heroes...and you are one of them. Join us as we embark on several quests in this ongoing campaign to determine the fate of Sword Coast, and possibly a whole lot more. Are you ready? Nuts and Bolts: This campaign is played online via ROLL20 AND DISCORD ONLINE GAME. Adventure will be played to completion online and will meet the same day and time, weekly. Avernus often takes 30+ weeks to complete, possibly more depending on player choices. Breaks may occur by consensus of the group, but they are the exception. Who's running this game? Sean - MEDM, will be your host for this campaign. He's is a very immersive GM, take a look at him in action! (Screen name MEDM). (disclaimer: The clip in question includes some visual post production). What if you've never played an RPG, what is it like? Our games are player driven, putting you and your character at the center of the plot. Your choices will decide the outcome: from heroic victory to an untimely end. We're here to tell a great story that makes you feel like you're in your favorite book or movie. Who will like this game? Players brand new to table top roleplaying! This is a great "getting started" adventure. Players who want to explore a world, discover exciting places, and make complicated decisions. Players who are interested in developing a story, interacting with quirky, noble, and sometimes nefarious characters. Working together with other players to solve problems, and have a great time in the process! Event policies Tickets: The purchase of a seat ticket is required for each session as we are providing a roleplaying service. In reserving your seat you are committing to the DM and fellow players that you will attend. As preparation is based on number of players, all ticket sales are final, no exceptions. Open tables: D&D is an awesome experience, and our tables are open to all players. We'll teach you everything you need to know, and everybody we play with is very welcoming to players interested in checking out the hobby. Players must be 21+. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. About the DM: Sean is a professional performer and longtime GM. He has extensive experience running tables professionally.1 attendeeAttendTue, Sep 26, 2023, 6:00 PM CDT D&D 5e CAMPAIGN: Dragon Heist (Table Full)Needs location$25.00Table is full. Not accepting new players at this time. Please reach out to the GM, Stirling, via discord (ID: DungeonMystic#8802**)** so we can get you onboarded in time for the game. Sending a friend request will allow you to message one another. Stirling likes to schedule a session zero at least 24 hours before your first adventure session to help get you set up. A computer, webcam, microphone, and internet connection are required for participation. ................ New player? We'd love to have you join us. Nervous about playing? That's ok, its normal. The goal is to meet new people, play some D&D, and have a great time. Adventure overview: So you want to pull off a heist do ya? You're in the right spot. But you're not the only ones trying to make this happen. There at least four other truly evil factions working against you (hey, you're just trying to make a living), but you've done this before (or not), so it should be a piece of cake. If you need a break from your "strategic reallocation" mission, don't worry, the city of Sharn has got you covered. When you're not planning grand capers, you'll get to know colorful characters, join local factions, and pursue your character's individual goals (fame, wealth, vengeance, etc). Are you ready for a Dragon Heist? The group will meet at the same day and time weekly. About the DM: Stirling has run D&D games for over a decade, is a bestselling game designer, and a former actor. He's great at welcoming all kinds of players as they embark on their adventures! What if you've never played an RPG, what is it like? Our games are player-driven, putting you and your character at the center of the plot. Your choices will decide the outcome: from heroic victory to an untimely end. We're here to tell a great story that makes you feel like you're in your favorite book or movie. Who will like this game? Players brand new to table top roleplaying! This is a great first adventure. Players who want to explore a world, discover exciting places, and make complicated decisions. Players who are interested in developing a story, interacting with quirky, noble, and sometimes nefarious characters. Working together with other players to solve problems, and have a great time in the process! What do you need to play?: Dice, digital or physical. A copy of the 5th Edition Player's Handbook is highly recommended. Don't worry about making a character ahead of time. This campaign is played online via Streamyard and Owlbear Rodeo. The GM will help with onboarding to these free programs. Tickets: The purchase of a seat ticket is required for each session. In reserving your seat you are committing to the DM and fellow players that you will attend. As preparation is based on number of players, all ticket sales are final, no exceptions. Open tables: D&D is an awesome experience, and our tables are open to all players. We'll teach you everything you need to know, and everybody we play with is very welcoming to players interested in checking out the hobby. Players must be 21+. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated.1 attendeeAttendFri, Sep 29, 2023, 1:00 AM UTCD&D 5e CAMPAIGN: Out of the Abyss (Table Full)Link visible for attendees$20.00Full Table. ROLL20 and DISCORD session. Beginners and veteran players welcomed! Our DM Josh will make sure you learn everything you need to know to play online and to enjoy the game. Adventure Overview: Out of the Abyss, private table. Are you up to the task? Here's some information to get you thinking about your characters. Pregenerated Characters found here: Here is the link to the Roll20 Game: Discord Link: Who will enjoy this campaign? Players brand new to table top roleplaying! This is a great "getting started" adventure. Players who want to explore a Gothic world filled with horror and intrigue; you are free to roam the land of Barovia without time pressures or a straight line plot (railroad) forcing you along. Players looking for a balance of social, exploration, and combat gameplay. What if you've never played an RPG, what is it like? Our games are player driven, putting you and your character at the center of the plot. Your choices will decide the outcome: from hard fought victory to an untimely end. We're here to tell a great story that makes you feel like you're in your favorite book or movie. Event policies Tickets: Players are required to purchase seat tickets for each session. We strive to live up to our Quality Standards (referenced in the main page "about" section). To do so we compensate our DMs for events to ensure a positive experience from beginning to end. In reserving your seat you are committing to the DM and fellow players that you will attend, as preparation is based on number of players. Therefore, ticket sales are final, no exceptions. Please do not "drop in" to or "zoom bomb" the event. Open tables: D&D is an awesome experience, and our tables are open to all players. We'll teach you everything you need to know, and everybody we play with is very welcoming to players interested in checking out the hobby.1 attendeeAttendPast events (631)See allFri, Sep 22, 2023, 1:00 AM UTCD&D 5e CAMPAIGN: Out of the Abyss (Table Full)This event has passed$20.00GH3 attendeesOrganizersAdam Scott and 4 othersMessageMembers (1,012)See allBDBA
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Old School South Side Dungeons and Dragons Gamers
VE If you're looking for Dungeons and Dragons old-school style - Basic, 1st edition, 2nd edition, and 3.5 - you've come to the right place. We have four upcoming events: on September 22, Red Box Mentzer (1983) Basic D&D Curse on Xanaroth Session 2, on September 23rd Red Box Mentzer (1983) Basic D&D Curse on Xanaroth Session 2A, on September 29th OSSSDDG Curse of Strahd Session 70, and on October 6th Red Box Mentzer (1983) Basic D&D Curse on Xanaroth Session 3. We've also had 48 past events, and currently have 127 members.
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Evanston Dungeons and Dragons Group
GLS MemberAstoria Schneider Astoria Schneider Member Our team of Dungeon Masters is searching for a few more players to join our 5e D&D campaign. The game takes place on Monday evenings, just a few minutes away from Howard CTA station. All skill levels are invited to play, although those under the age of 18 are not eligible. Recently, we held an event called ‘Questionnaire Coming Soon’ which 11 people attended. Organized by David Silverman, we now have 60 members.
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Medway Wargames Society
We get together every Tuesday at a cost of £3 (the first time is free) and a small fee for refreshments. We have a big hall with plenty of 7x4 tables, as well as decoration. We can enjoy an incredible selection of games from the most current Games Workshop releases to lots of titles by Osprey, Warlord, and other companies. Stop by if you're interested in seeing what's currently being played, or check out our Facebook page to connect with other members and set up a game.
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