Listings in Sittingbourne

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Sittingbourne

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Added 9 days ago


41yo - Looking to start DnD as a player after doing a 1 shot with friends, have watched Dimension 20 and Critical Roll. want to see if we can make a regular thing of it

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Hi there, 30 years old, been playing D&D 5e for a few years now, with a couple of years as DM. Would like to play in person with a group in the sittingbourne, Faversham or canterbury areas (and all those in between) looking to be a player right now, but can DM in the future

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Always been fascinated by table too RPG games and dabbled a little in my younger years but never had friends who were into it so just satisfied myself with computer game equivalents over the years. Would be interested in linking up with local gamers for some games here and there Interested particularly in Warhammer 40k and DnD

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I am 18 and I have autism. I have only played one game of DND, which was fun but I could not complete it. I have wanted to play DND for years but could never find a group.

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I'm 34yo and fairly new to d and d had a few games and really enjoyed it but constantly let down by friends to play a good campaign so want to find one I can really get into

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I'll be GMing a PF2.5 campaign to start around the end of September. New players welcome. Flexible on what time of sessions people want, length of sessions would depend on the frequency of play (2-3 hours every week, 4-5 hours every other week). Looking to get at least 4 players can go up to 7.

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Played a few games as a player, looking to learn to DM and run some games. Would like to try a few different systems and not take the rules too seriously so its more about the story and having fun.

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Have never played D&D, used to play vampire 20+ years ago, wanted to play D&D for decades, never had the time or people to play with. Looking for a group that doesn't mind having a newbie tag along and figure out what they are doing.

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New to DnD at the age of 41. Played a bit in college. Play a little at home, looking for more adventures to enjoy and learn what I’m doing.

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