Listings in Gillingham (Kent)
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Gillingham (Kent)

Kent Pathfinders
I’m Phil Lucas,the Pathfinder Society Venture Agent for Kent, promoting Paizo’s Pathfinder ( and Starfinder ( Organised Play programme. We currently have monthly meetings every third Sunday of the month 11am-4pm at Dice & Destiny ( Canterbury and every fourth Wednesday 6pm-10pm at The Mug & Meeple ( Gravesend. Organised play lets you play a fantasy or sf adventurer, part of an organisation whose mission is to explore, report and co-operate, undertaking daring and challenging missions in new adventures released every month, or in previously released scenarios, sanctioned modules and adventure paths. We are always looking for new players and GMs to join our groups and would also love to add more venues. The new Pathfinder Second Edition Remastered rules have begun releasing, Starfinder 3nd Edition is on the horizon and Pathfinder 1st Edition is still available as a Legacy game, so it’s a great time to come on board and get involved, we’d love to see you!
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Fredia S
I'm looking for a D&D 5e game in the Kent area that would welcome some homebrewed content - anyone out there who would be a good fit?
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