Listings in Rochester
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Rochester

Rochester Dungeons & Dragons Player's Society
zra Bruce and 296 othersWe're a group based in the Rochester, NY area that meets up to play Dungeons and Dragons. If you're looking to be a player or a DM, this is the place for you! We're always so happy to get suggestions and to give people a chance to run their own sessions. We have 4+ upcoming events, the first being the Grand Hunt where you can enter in with a new 1st level character or one you already have with the DM approval. We also have Sins and Dungeon of Darkness with lots of excitement and adventure. All of our events are listed on so make sure to check them out! We encourage new players to read up on Mere Ultima and even attend one of their sessions.
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