Listings in Orpington
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Orpington

i am 12 and i have a school dnd lunch club but i have nothing to do un the weekend except play skyrim i like skyrim but i wanna do more dnd
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I’m a 36 year old, father of one, with a passion for all things Dungeons and Dragons. 4 years ago I caught the DnD bug and my passion has only grown since then. I’m now a full time DM for two full time in-person groups and a rotating DM for an online game. Simply put, I love DnD and know that through this magical hobby of role-playing can see the best in people, develop new skills, meet new friends and have the greatest time of your life. I believe the players are my guests and I want to give them everything I can. I take great pride in that fact and also in the service I provide as a DM to a community I love. I get huge enjoyment out of working with my players to create a really enjoyable,engaging and fun story.
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Petts Wood and Orpington Board Gamers
The Petts Wood and Orpington Board Gamers are a recently formed community of board gamers open to all family members. Our next gathering will take place on Saturday, November 30th, then every second Saturday of each month, or the 1st if the hall is unavailable, starting in January. We'll be playing Just One, Ticket to Ride, Dominion, Terraforming Mars, Azul, Finca, Lords of Waterdeep, The Mind, Stone Age, Sushi Go Party, Ca$h 'n Gun$, Root, and many others. Children who are 8 years or older are allowed to join in, and we also have a selection of easy games that are perfect for them, like Rhino Hero, Exploding Kittens, Sticky Chameleons, and Hey That's My Fish!
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