Listings in Canterbury

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Canterbury

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Added 6 days ago


I’m a fairly new player (only played a couple of sessions before) but I am wildly in love with DND and have watched countless hours online so I am fairly good with the rules. Looking for anyone around the age of 18 who wants to play/DM a game with me! :)

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Hi, I am Luke from Canterbury. Lots of experience GMing, but looking to get involved in a game where I can actually be a player for once. Best of luck everyone!

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Kent Pathfinders

I’m Phil Lucas,the Pathfinder Society Venture Agent for Kent, promoting Paizo’s Pathfinder ( and Starfinder ( Organised Play programme. We currently have monthly meetings every third Sunday of the month 11am-4pm at Dice & Destiny ( Canterbury and every fourth Wednesday 6pm-10pm at The Mug & Meeple ( Gravesend. Organised play lets you play a fantasy or sf adventurer, part of an organisation whose mission is to explore, report and co-operate, undertaking daring and challenging missions in new adventures released every month, or in previously released scenarios, sanctioned modules and adventure paths. We are always looking for new players and GMs to join our groups and would also love to add more venues. The new Pathfinder Second Edition Remastered rules have begun releasing, Starfinder 3nd Edition is on the horizon and Pathfinder 1st Edition is still available as a Legacy game, so it’s a great time to come on board and get involved, we’d love to see you!

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Newbie-ish gamer interested in playing more boardgames and meeting people :)

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Canterbury Games

At the Dolphin in Canterbury, we come together on Monday nights for board game club. We typically enjoy what are known as euro-games, although we're open to other kinds of games if they come our way.

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Canterbury Dragons

Greetings to the bold and the adventurous, to our companions in questing, to those hoping to start a game of Dungeons and Dragons and to all of those who fall under the banner of the cantankerous. We are a Role Playing Club from Canterbury, Kent.

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Canterbury Crusaders

On Tuesdays, the time frame from 6:30 in the evening until 10 o'clock at night.

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Tabletop Tavern

Tabletop Tavern is quickly expanding and run by volunteers, open to all kinds of people and not-for-profit. Our main focus is to make a safe, inclusive and welcoming place for our community to enjoy tabletop games, while using D&D as the foundation. Players are invited to explore a ‘shared world’ and have the ability to move their characters between games, and D&D isn't the only one offered here; other tabletop games are also encouraged.

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