Listings in Warrington

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Warrington

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Hi all. I am a highly experienced Player, DM and teacher. I am looking to play, but am willing to run and if you want to begin playing but don't know how I am very willing to get everyone started, feel free to drop me a line.

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Played a bit about 15 years ago, when running a campaign for a group of friends. Just recently got back into it through Baldurs Gate 3. Watched a few YouTube sessions and some Introductory vids. Looking for an easy going, fun group and an immersive campaign.

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looking for someone willing to dm a dnd game for a group of absolute beginners. i started attempting to dm for my family to give us a shared activity but quickly realised i didn't have the patience to try and teach them how to play whilst trying to learn how to dm at the same time. i have a small amount of knowledge on the game and prefer the roleplaying and character creation aspects. my boyfriend is also curious about the game but shy and may just spectate. my parents have zero knowledge besides the characters i made with them.

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Warrington Board Games Club

Warrington Board Games Club holds board game sessions every Wednesday from 7 PM to 11 PM. Whether you're a beginner or an expert at board games, all are welcome to join! Our friendly community has no problem teaching newbies the rules, and our games range from quick and fun to long and strategic, with groups of up to 10. We also offer all-day game days, pub crawls, and social meals. On the Meetup page, members discuss games played previously and desired games for the next session. And if you can't decide what to play, someone always has a bag of games to pick from!

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Magic Wednesdays

Though the specific day of the week may not remain consistent, our shared love of Magic Wednesdays will never falter! This event is for the dedicated members of the gaming group and there are a few ground rules: all members of the group must refrain from farting in Arin's face; Bobby alone is allowed to cheat; and no one can win unless it's not Anthony.

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East Warrington gaming

Every Thursday night, beginning January 9th, 2020, the Cinnamon Brow Farm Club in Warrington is playing games from 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM. There's a fee of £2 to attend, parking, and a bar on the property. Players should bring their own gaming equipment as they are just starting. Additionally, games on the first and third Mondays of the month are free to play at, though seating is limited.

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Warrington Board Games Club

Wednesday night at 7 o'clock.

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See also