Listings in Macclesfield

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Macclesfield

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Veteran DM and experienced player looking to either DM or play in a weekly/biweekly session

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Hi, I am looking to get into playing D&D or similar TTRPGs. I have never actually played before but have plenty of experience with playing boardgames. Always wanted to give tabletop RPGs a go. Looking for something regular in the Macclesfield/Alderley Edge area.

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Looking to join a 5e game! I've not played any D&D for the longest time and I miss it like crazy. Really itching to jump into a campaign and make some new friends! I prefer the roleplay side of things over combat-intensive dungeon crawls, and I love getting creative with my characters. Let's have some fun!

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Hey, I’m Jonny. I’m 34 years old from Macclesfield and looking to start playing DnD! I’m a brand new player although experience playing various RPG video games. Cheers, Jonny

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New D&D player looking for a group to learn how to play.

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See also