Listings in Northwich
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Northwich

I've played in and run loads of systems previously, looking to get back into playing with a casual group of any skill level. DND isn't my preferred system but I'm up for most games, as well as board games :)
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Looking for relaxed group for table top games e.g. dnd but open to other variants or the occasional board game.
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Hey 👋 based in Northwich and would like to join a local/localish group, interested in DnD5e. Never played before, but eager to learn. Hit me up if you’re interested, open to the idea of starting a local group if there are enough people. Thanks Rick
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Played a variety of board games and white wolf TTRPG and looking to meet up for games on a regular basis. Keen to try D&D if any games going as well.
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Hello! I'm in my 20s, looking to meet more people and play other tabletop games with. I got into D&D 5e while at college and it's the game I'm most familiar with, but I may be up for playing other games too. If there's a group looking for a player, feel free to contact me!
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Hi! I'm 22, interested in meeting people who like D&D, tabletop and games. I started playing D&D 6 years ago on and off. I'm currently playing through a campaign hosted online, but I'm wanting more experiences in person. I'm close to Northwich and Knutsford. Send me an email if you're looking for a player! Thanks.
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Hi! I'm 22. I'm looking for a group to play games with locally and in person. I've played D&D 5e for 6 years but been up and down in terms of how much I play. I'm interested in meeting new people who enjoy D&D and in playing other Tabletop games I haven't played before.
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Hi i’m Holly, (22 female) pretty new to the world and mostly instead in D&D and i’d love to learn and play if anyone is looking for a newbie
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Hello, my name is Sam (Mid 30s, Male) and I am looking for an existing group or to put together a new one in Northwich. I would ideally be looking for 3-4 people who are interested in trying and playing board games like Arcs, Root, Pandemic and 7Wonders but im up for trying most things! I also have a fair bit of experience in TTRPGs like DND and have a few corebooks from other systems to try as well. Meet ups would be in places like Board Beans and Goblin Cafe until we got more established. Hope to hear from you soon :)
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Looking for Players - 6 maximum Free D&D game - table charge if place like board bean or goblin games Have a character in mind Campaign: original world Difficulty: hard, I won’t character death on purpose Choices are your own, they will affect the story so be wise Rule of cool over rule of law. Busted builds welcome.
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DM going on 8 years, Playing D&D since 10 years old Worldbuilding and Original stories Being a DM is fun :)
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Looking to start playing D&D always been a fan of fantasy, collected Warhammer since I was a kid. Looking to form a small group to create a campaign that is local.
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Looking for a DnD group, I'm a beginner. I play other board games such as horrified, boss monster, casting shadows and would love to branch out and explore new different games and meet new people. - 26 - Male
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Interested in building a small local group for running narrative games be it 40k or fantasy. Recently picked up heroquest, and enjoy it a lot. Would equally be interested in starting a small D&D group. If this interests you be sure to get in touch.
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Played d and d and LOTR role playing games. Own Talisman board game and add ons. Looking to have a roll of the dice again.. Onwards!
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Laveneth the bard
I’m a new player looking to join a group. I am relatively familiar with the 5e rules.
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