Listings in Crewe

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Crewe

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Added 29 days ago


Easy go lucky barbarian

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Moving to Crewe soon and looking into what ttrpg clubs are around. I helped set up the DND community at element games in Stockport. Mainly a player but possibly looking into running daggerheart at release.

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Worker placement and strategy games (Dune, Brass, Eclipse, Scythe and many more)

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Cheshire East Tabletop Gamers

We are an inclusive group of adult tabletop game enthusiasts. Our regular meeting is each Tuesday at The Station Pilot (CW2 5UZ) in Crewe from 6:30pm. Don't worry about arriving later - we will make sure you have a spot! We play a variety of board games, card games and social deduction games. You are welcome to bring your own favourites: There will always be people keen to play something new or different. Our regular slot is on a Tuesday, and sometimes there's an additional games night on the Thursday if enough people are available. Finally, we've got a Discord server. Ask one of us for the link when you get here! It's the easiest way to keep abreast of what's going on.

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Fairly experienced player and dm (although mostly online) looking for local group!

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D&D in Crewe

Very experienced Dm of D&D, Cthulhu, Aces and Eights, Traveller

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Mat the Mosher

Very experienced DM of d&d, Cthulhu and more. We have an established group in Crewe which is looking for a couple more players

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A little experience with DnD, looking for online or in person group to join

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Hi, my names Craig I’m 39. I’ve play table top games such was Warhammer and 40K. I’d love to join a group and learn how to play dungeons and dragons. The idea of character creation is so intriguing.

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