Listings in Altrincham
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Altrincham

This account is for me and my wife. Niether of us have ever played really any tabletops but are keen to learn, make new friends and have fun! We both have a BG3 understanding of DnD.
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Rob M
Veteran roleplayer who cut their teeth on the Advanced Fighting Fantasy system, the old Warhammer Quest and have been DMing D&D 5e since 2020. Open to DMing for LGBTQ+ friendly groups, starting a group or even just playing myself. I tend to run games with an emphasis on roleplaying and exploration, with combat and puzzles being part of the game but not the focus of it. I also can create customised and painted miniatures of players' characters for a very small fee.
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Maribeth S
Hey folks, I'm looking for a few people to join me in a classic Dungeons & Dragons game, either in person or online. No homebrew systems please.
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