Listings in Knutsford

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Knutsford

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Looking to play Dungeons and Dragons more regularly!

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Rob M

Veteran roleplayer who cut their teeth on the Advanced Fighting Fantasy system, the old Warhammer Quest and have been DMing D&D 5e since 2020. Open to DMing for LGBTQ+ friendly groups, starting a group or even just playing myself. I tend to run games with an emphasis on roleplaying and exploration, with combat and puzzles being part of the game but not the focus of it. I also can create customised and painted miniatures of players' characters for a very small fee. Actually looking to run a game in the Altrincham area, but thought I should reach out to neighbouring towns.

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Hi I'm a 40 year old bloke recently started playing D&D for the first time and I am thoroughly enjoying it. I am looking for a game to join in the Knutsford area as I'm currently still going to Manchester fortnightly just to play

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Tamica M

Does anyone know of any gaming stores in the area that carry sci-fi or Star Wars tabletop RPGs? I'm an experienced player.

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Bruno G

about it! Hey everyone, I'm looking for a D&D 5e game, either online or in person. I haven't played in a while, so I'm feeling a bit nervous. Does anyone have any advice?

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Brock E

Hi everyone, I'm new to D&D and am looking to join a group to play 5e locally, is anyone running a game I could join?

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See also