Listings in Nantwich

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Nantwich

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Added 22 days ago


1st Gen PC gamer(50)yo; Looking forward to getting back! to playing AD&D and Warhammer and want to introduce D&D to my kids (20yo)

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Added 25 days ago


Looking to play 40k games including combat patrol or maybe spear head from age of sigmar I'm very new to wargaming

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Warrington Board Games Club

Every Wednesday evening, our club meets at the Bull's Head in Warrington for gaming, socializing and conversation. Our rules are straightforward: no messy fingers on the games, be respectful, and have fun! We're a casual group and don't require weekly attendance. Membership dues of £5 every six months are collected around April and September. We also host social outings and meals throughout the year to give folks a chance to get to know each other. Evenings are meant to kick off at 7pm, and to ensure space for everyone who came, it is suggested that you book beforehand. It's a good idea to check the comments section for info on games available, and to bring your own too - though bear in mind tastes may differ in typical board games. Lastly, to get an idea of the kinds of games we play, TableTop is a great resource to check out. Feel free to message the organizers if you still have questions and we look forward to seeing you soon!

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Randy M

Hi everyone! I'm new to the Cheshire area and I'm looking for a D&D group willing to let me DM a one-shot, as I'm very interested in trying it out. Hopefully we can also become friends in the process!

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I'm a 25 year old looking to find a D&D 5e game in or around Nantwich - anyone know of any?

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Does anyone know of any local stores or places to play a sci-fi tabletop RPG, such as Star Wars, that are suitable for beginners?

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See also