Listings in Torquay
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Torquay

Torquay Board Game Club
Every Wednesday at the Farmhouse Tavern in Torbay (TQ2 7AD), you can join in for an evening of open boardgaming, starting at 6PM and carrying on until 11PM. The Tavern is an ideal venue, as it's spacious with a great variety of drinks and affordable food options. No cost is associated with attending; all the Tavern requests is that you purchase your refreshments there. Everyone is welcome, so if you're in the area and want to join in on the fun, be sure to drop by.
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Hey all, I'm looking for a D&D group to DM a one-shot for either in person or online, preferably a group who allows for homebrew content!
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