Listings in Cullompton

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Cullompton

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I am an online gamer and occasional streamer on Twitch. But I am looking for a DnD group to play with once or twice a fortnight. I have played a few one-off campaigns and two longer campaigns. Currently playing a 2nd campaign with an online group. But looking to join a face-to-face campaign again.

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Cullompton Board Games Group

Gatherings occur bimonthly on Wednesdays evening at the Cullompton Community Centre, from 7-10pm.

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Taunton Board Game Group

J Come to the table with us and experience some of the most cutting-edge board games. In the past, fifty-nine events have been held, including a library games day, two board game events in both October and September, and a board game event in July. Paul Message led each event, and 411 members partook overall.

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See also