Listings in Devon
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Devon
All listings in Devon

Chris (Plymouth)
Player/DM with 15+ years experience in over a dozen systems. Favoured systems of D&D 5e or 3.5, however interested in playing most systems. Also open to play diceless systems/light rolling systems.
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Copper (Exeter)
Looking for a teen-friendly gaming group in Exeter or surrounds, online or off. Teenager with or without his gamer Dad. Interests Warhammer, LoTR, Dark & Darker, Vermintide, Darktide, Space Marine and Space Marine 2, Valheim, DnD, boardgames etc
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Aubrey (Okehampton)
Hi, I enjoy DnD 5e. With my main group I mainly DM so I'm looking for a space to get some player experience in.
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Finley (Teignmouth)
Looking to try out DnD with a regular group, I have been interested in the hobby for a few years but have never actually played it. While I am new I’ve read a lot about it and I’ve watch far too many videos on it so I wouldn’t say I’m clueless.
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MikeyTV (Exeter)
I play(ed) board games, role play, card games. Long out of touch with the community though, and looking to get started again.
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Chris (Paignton)
I play the dreaded Tau! Yes, yes, I know, hated by all, but I just can't help myself. I love 'em! My local work-based Warhammer club has come to an end, and I'd be absolutely gutted if I had to stop playing. Please tell me there are other nerds out there who want to play 40k. It is, after all, the best game in the world 😁
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Liam (Barnstaple)
Looking for someone or preferably a group to do weekly board games!
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Robert (Dartmouth)
I'm a 37yo Dad who mainly has a gaming interest in Lord of the Rings, Warhammer (40k and fantasy/old world), D&D and I've never played a ttrpg. I've played a discord campaign which was fun, but ended short. I've got most interest in playing Warhammer fantasy RP, mainly as it's a setting I think my boys will be able to immerse in (they play vermintide 2), although I think I'd enjoy the social and imaginative freedom of ttrpg as a whole. Ideally looking for a campaign which would take place during the day in the week (I work very early am, so evenings are harder :-(). I can drive also. I could also host if the game was during the day.
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Zac (Teignmouth)
Looking to find a fairly regular group, be it one-shots or an ongoing campaign (DCC, COC, PF2E, D&D, Paranoia, I'm keen on exploring new systems!). I rely on public transport, and even that can be a little bit tricky, so I would prefer to be primarily online-based, although, I can make a compromise! I'm very big on inclusivity within groups!
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Komisar (Barnstaple)
Retired Old Fool, back to board games after many years absence. I really enjoy historical games on the lighter side. Elegant playable simple design always beats complexity and pages of rules.
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Cronic (Sidmouth)
DM of 13th age, PF2e, Lex arcana, Age of sigmar : Soulbound, Warhammer fantasy, Waehammer 40k Dark heresy 2e & Wrath & glory. I Don't run DnD5e
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Shikari (Tiverton)
I am looking for players in tiverton to play D&D 5e on a biweekly basis
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Smellson (Exeter)
Im a 37 year old male. Looking for an existibg group or to start a new group. I will play literally anything but im mainly into new and old dnd and also dungeon crawl classics or mutant crawl classics. Im a laid back kinda guy and as long as im not working im down to play whenever or wherever.
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Mohawk (Exeter)
Wargamer 9th and 10th. 36yrs old and looking for a group and or place to play.
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Royston (Plymouth)
45 years experience, running and playing a wide variety of games but tending towards historical games or sword and sorcery
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Rich BN (Honiton)
I've been a player and GM for over 35 years and will play pretty much all rpgs. I especially enjoy WFRP, D&D, Pathfinder, Fallout 2d20, Cyberpunk....well, too many to mention actually.
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Owen (Teignmouth)
I used to play Wargames, boardgames and role play along time ago and am looking to get back into it, in a relaxed manner. I have no games or kit currenty
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