Listings in Axminster
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Axminster

Taunton Roleplaying Group
. The Taunton Roleplaying Group is a well-established gaming group which focuses on rich stories and characters rather than simply rolling dice. It is a diverse group consisting of beginners to experienced gamers who meet up every Monday evening at a pub in Taunton, Somerset. With a dedicated space for the group, brainteasing Fantasy and Sci-Fi roleplaying can be enjoyed in a relaxed atmosphere and with real ales and ciders as added treats. They offer various games from Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 to Mutant and Masterminds, and newcomers are more than welcome to come join the friendly bunch or contact the organisers for more information. Currently, the group is still getting back on track post-lockdown and therefore RSVP's are much appreciated.
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