Listings in Paignton

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Paignton

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Added 25 days ago


I have started to sink my toes in the RPG world and want to expand on those experiences! I’ve played a few games of CoC and it would be great to find a group for either in person or online games!

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I play the dreaded Tau! Yes, yes, I know, hated by all, but I just can't help myself. I love 'em! My local work-based Warhammer club has come to an end, and I'd be absolutely gutted if I had to stop playing. Please tell me there are other nerds out there who want to play 40k. It is, after all, the best game in the world 😁

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Looking to find some people to play D&D with

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Lots of experience of various RPG's

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See also