Listings in Barnstaple

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Barnstaple

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Barnstaple Slayers Gaming Club

The Golden Lion Inn offers an evening of gaming fun every Monday from 6:30 to 10:30pm. It's the perfect place for anyone who enjoys playing tabletop games, board games, or card games. Participants are usually playing games such as X-Wing, Guildball, Warmahordes, Magic CCG, Thrones CCG, boardgames, and Historicals. The club is restricted to those aged 14 and up, with an entry fee of £3 per night (but the first visit is free).

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"Hi everyone! I'm looking to find a Star Wars or other sci-fi tabletop RPG group in or near Barnstaple but I'm a bit nervous about entering a new group - has anyone else been in the same boat, or can you point me in the right direction?"

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See also