Listings in Exeter

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Exeter

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Looking for a teen-friendly gaming group in Exeter or surrounds, online or off. Teenager with or without his gamer Dad. Interests Warhammer, LoTR, Dark & Darker, Vermintide, Darktide, Space Marine and Space Marine 2, Valheim, DnD, boardgames etc

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I play(ed) board games, role play, card games. Long out of touch with the community though, and looking to get started again.

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Im a 37 year old male. Looking for an existibg group or to start a new group. I will play literally anything but im mainly into new and old dnd and also dungeon crawl classics or mutant crawl classics. Im a laid back kinda guy and as long as im not working im down to play whenever or wherever.

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Wargamer 9th and 10th. 36yrs old and looking for a group and or place to play.

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Longtime TTRPG player with experience running and playing, D&D4e/5e, Knave, Hunter the Vigil, Paranoia, WWN, 7th Sea, Cyberpunk 2020/RED. Always open to trying new systems

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See also