Listings in Plymouth

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Plymouth

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Added 17 days ago


45 years experience, running and playing a wide variety of games but tending towards historical games or sword and sorcery

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Brand new too D&D and have been wanting to play for a long time so trying to find a group to play with!

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I'm a teacher working in Plymouth. I love all sorts of table top games and roleplaying. I'm currently organising a games and miniatures event that is going to take place in October 2024!

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DnD newcomer, just finished my first online campaign and am keen to start another one. Self-confessed beginner. Open to any combo of fun, relaxed people. 25.

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32, living in Plymouth. Recently got back into miniature gaming. Looking forward to the return of The Old World, Age of Sigmar until then. As well as 40k and Blood Bowl. Open other game systems too!

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See also