Listings in Romford

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Romford

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Added 20 days ago


I'm a retired lady and I'm looking for Board Games to keep my Brain working well. I'm good at spelling, so any Game which involves words would be good but I don't mind, as long as the Game keeps me thinking.

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The Hornchurch Wargames Club

The Community Centre on Gooshays Drive in Harold Hill, Essex is open from 7pm until 11pm on Mondays.

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Dicing With Life

Put simply, we have fun, games, and plenty of socializing available week after week. From Dungeons & Dragons and board games to play-testing sessions and tournaments, we have something for everyone. Plus, our individual outreach program allows you to meet with an experienced member of the club before joining the larger club nights, if desired. You're also encouraged to bring your own games, as someone will always be happy to learn a new game.

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See also