Listings in Brentwood

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Brentwood

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Added 17 days ago


Hello! I'm 32 soon to be 33 I've played a bit of DnD 5e on occasion, my regular online session has been very sporadic recently due to members having significant life moments (myself included). Looking to get more of a regular thing going again and join a new party. I would still consider myself somewhat of a novice, but I have had a go at creating a homebrew campaign and eager to give DMing a go.

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Beginner D&D. Looking for groups for teens in reach of Brentwood Essex

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I’m enquiring for my 17 year old daughter who would like to start playing dnd.

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Looking for a new group 😊 only played D&D before but keen to to try other ttrpgs too. Please do get in touch if you’re looking for another player!

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I'm looking for a group to play DnD. I had some experience with RPG before.

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