Listings in Hockley
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Hockley

George Lee
Looking for someone to join a 5th edition game of dungeons in drakenheim campaign. I’m not the DM but I’m looking for a player for him. We are part way through the campaign but still near the start generally (level 6). Game consists of three 18 year olds and a 21 year old.
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SEEMS is a long-standing wargames society which convenes on Wednesday evenings in Hockley, Essex, from 7:30-10 pm. Members get to play Doom, Last Night on Earth, Zombies!!!, Memoire 44, Battle cry, and more. They are open to historical, fantasy, and SF figure-based games. Everyone is welcome - even those without the necessary models - and there's an onsite bar! So why not drop by to say hello?
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Dragon's Lair Houston
great variety of events to join at our store, Dragon's Lair Comics and Fantasy. From Warhammer 40k Open Play to Board Game Demos with Eric Jordan to a Digimon TCG Tourney, come visit and join our group of 1,735 members. Find out more on our Facebook page.
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Katy Dungeons & Dragons Table Top RPG Meetup
ared C. and 771 othersMembers We welcome people interested in playing Dungeons & Dragons or similar tabletop games on either a weekly or semi-weekly basis in or around Katy, Texas. There are a variety of games on offer primarily based in D&D/Pathfinder, and we're always excited to welcome new members! If you have a game of your own to offer, we can help you post it on the calendar. Our games usually utilize Foundry, a virtual tabletop, so you can join us from wherever you are. Of course, we also have in-person sessions in and around Katy and the West Side of Houston. If you need help or have questions, don't hesitate to contact Unextreme, or message Glimmer who will prod him if needed. We also have a few upcoming events, like a Post Apocalyptic Savage Worlds game set in 2050, a Gaming-Lite event online, or our current Pathfinder - Kingmaker game. Check out our invites for more information on the rules or what to expect. At the end of the day, we just want everyone to be able to find a game that makes them happy! Happy gaming!
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Fantasy Factory Gaming - D&D and Nerd Community
group for members who enjoy playing Dungeons and Dragons and other board and roleplaying games. Our goal is to foster community with people who share similar hobbies or interests. We host game nights where we can play D&D together in person or online. We look forward to meeting you and having fun playing with you soon. Join us in on our Discord and Facebook group to get involved. Check out our YouTube channel for added content. We’ve had multiple game nights in the past and plan to keep adding more in the future.
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Saturday D&D Curse of Strahd
MCDPKJEJJG Join Dungeon Master Wade Brasher in this weekly public campaign of the D&D horror adventure, Curse of Strahd. Players begin at first level, and stats are created either through Point Buy or the Standard Array system, with only official publications as material. The first session will be on Saturday, June 10th from Noon to 3:00 PM, continuing each successive weekend. Count Strahd von Zarovish stands in the shadows of Castle Ravenloft, watching as the adventurers walk through his domain. He knows their presence is no accident, and a sinister plan begins to form. There are events coming up on September 23rd, 30th, October 7th and 14th, each Saturday from 12:00 to 3:00 PM, playing the Curse of Strahd. Stats will be created either Point Buy or the Standard Array system, with only official published materials. The member count is 103.
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Learn to play D&D at 8th Dimension
INE... Come join us for our free Dungeons & Dragons Learn to Play event. Our Dungeon Masters will provide pre-generated heroes for players to choose from and the 1-shot adventure will last about four hours. The table is limited to five people to make sure everybody gets to participate. We've had 54 past events and 269 members and counting. Be sure to sign up for one of our 4 upcoming events!
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8th Dimension Friday Nights D&D Adventure League Group
PM OrganizerRS THDF OF2 Come join us at 8th Dimension Comics & Games for weekly D&D Adventurer's League games every Wednesday & Friday night, and throughout the day on Saturdays. Our Friday night volunteer Dungeon Master will be running the Tyranny of Dragons campaign, starting with season one. Wednesday nights will feature Baldur’s Gate – Descent into Averness and other games TBA. These events are open to players of any level and require no entry fee, but seating will be limited with social distancing measures in place. Players can create an AL-legal character of any level and bring it with them to the game, as well as their thirst for adventure!
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Dungeons and Dragons and Disciples
Are you into board games and curious about God? If so, come join us on Wednesday nights to chat about how we can live our best life with Him and build real friendships with others. No judgement here, just genuinely kind humans and a good time! Afterward, the fun continues with some Dungeons and Dragons! Everyone is welcome, regardless of experience level! We've held various events in the past, with more always on the horizon! Any questions? Feel free to message the event organizers James Warren and his associates. There are currently 196 members of the group.
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