Listings in Loughton
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Loughton

Hi looking for a local group that plays 40K I’m working my way up to a fulls met and have played some smaller games but would be great to play a full game with Somme who knows what they’re doing and could give some pointers
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I've recently got back into mtg and have blight a few commander decks. Would love to find some people to play with 😊
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Loughton Strike Force
The Royal British Legion (Loughton) Club, located on Church Hill in Loughton, ESSEX, holds gaming days every Tuesday from 7 pm until late. All types of games, across all periods, scales, and genres, are available for players, and they can arrange for all-day gaming on selected Sundays.
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Gbcon Quarterly Gaming Day
GBCon is a four times a year event focused on tabletop gaming. Our Saturdays go from 10am to 10pm each quarter, at Lopping Hall in Loughton, Essex. We have a great amount of space booked for many gaming activities. To see what we have planned for upcoming events, check out our Facebook page and group.
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