Listings in Ongar
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Ongar

London On Board
antosh K. N., etc. 25,000+ joinYou're Invited! Welcome to London on Board! We are a diverse group of modern board gaming enthusiasts who meet regularly in Central London. We use pubs and hotels with private spaces, as we make mutually beneficial agreements with the venues, and like to encourage attendees to buy food and refreshments to help us keep our club free to attend. Our games range from euros, deck builders, dungeon crawlers, and more, and we have rules and regulations in place - - which prohibit certain types of games and require that attendees abide by any instructions from the Venue staff. Newbies are welcome - read our Newbie Guide for more information - - and join us at one of our upcoming events. We’d love to have you!
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