Listings in Essex

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Essex

All listings in Essex

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Added 7 days ago

Yaseen Nechat (Chelmsford)

22 year old student full of amounts of whimsy and joy that many consider dangerous

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Added 10 days ago

Thorey (Maldon)

I am fairly new to DnD, but have done roleplaying and video games for a long time. I'm looking for a nice and friendly table, who won't mind the occasional silly question :)

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Added 14 days ago

Ed (Brentwood)

42 years old, very experienced DM and player. I've been running a long campaign for friends in London for many years, but would like to find a regular game in Essex for either Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Sundays. Based in Brentwood but willing to drive. Ideally I'd join a game as a player since I'm the "forever DM!" and I already prep about 6 hours per week for my ongoing campaign.

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Added 21 days ago

Mark (Chelmsford)

I've been gaming in one way or another for over a decade, but since Covid I've been a bit stuck playing RPGs online, and I really want to get round a table and enjoy a game in person. I generally prefer to GM and enjoy running Genesys, 40K RPGs or World of Darkness stuff.

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Pam (Epping)

I'm looking to play fun games :draught games , or quiz games with adults to keep my mind occupied. Thanks . It can be in epping, Waltham abbey, Loughton

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Rich Priest (Clacton-on-Sea)

Experienced Gamer and Role player looking for players for a weekly Role-play and occasional board games group

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Rich Priest (Clacton-on-Sea)

Looking for a Role play group to Join or Host - experienced DM/ GM and player

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Simon92 (Brentwood)

Hello! I'm 32 soon to be 33 I've played a bit of DnD 5e on occasion, my regular online session has been very sporadic recently due to members having significant life moments (myself included). Looking to get more of a regular thing going again and join a new party. I would still consider myself somewhat of a novice, but I have had a go at creating a homebrew campaign and eager to give DMing a go.

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Derek (Southend-on-Sea)

I am a Pathfinder officer in charge of Essex. I am looking for Gm's who are aware of venues to play in and us them yourselves. I would like to have a chat with you please.

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George (Chelmsford)

Looking for DnD and Warhammer groups for teens near Chelmsford.

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Stew26 (Billericay)

Been a big 40K fan since 5th edition but never played due to never having friends in the hobby. Recently moved here and would love to meet some new people and finally play some games

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K (Clacton-on-Sea)


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Dan (Clacton-on-Sea)

Love In Clacton looking to get In to DND love to watch critical role every time looking to play battle mage / wizard

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DCA996 (Colchester)

Hi, I'm Glen and live in Colchester. I have been a Napoleonic wargamer for many years and and after a hiatus of 25 years have spent the last 18 months purchasing more scenery, figures etc, for the Waterloo period. If anyone is interested in one off battles, campaigns etc. let me know. I have 15mm and 20mm figures (around 5200 at the last c ount!). I use computer based rules to take a lot of the hard work out of the process but have discovered in recent months Warlord in Notingham and their rules.

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Courtney (Braintree)

24 year old whose played online for years and is dying to play an in person game!

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Louie (Loughton)

Hi looking for a local group that plays 40K I’m working my way up to a fulls met and have played some smaller games but would be great to play a full game with Somme who knows what they’re doing and could give some pointers

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Will (Buckhurst Hill)

TTRPGing regularly for 4-5 years, both as player and DM/GM. Passionate player willing to invest time and brain space to storytelling. Tend to lead with player led homebrew. Very familiar with 5e, Blades in the Dark, Call of Cthulhu, Monster of the Week, The Between, BRP, and happy to pick up new formats. Mid 30s Dad.

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Blue (Colchester)

Hiya, I'm Blue (they/them), A passionate 19yo forever DM looking to start a new group to run one shots or even a full campaign with. Started dnd 5e few years ago as a player but switched to DM'ing last year (2023). Mostly sessions I homebrewed or updated from old editions. I've played a lot with completely new players so if you're just looking to get into dnd, or if you're in need of a new table, feel free to reach out!:)

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Thomas (Braintree)

I play Warhammer 40k Tyranids and I'm looking for someone local to play games with. I'm fairly new but understand the basics of the game.

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Jane (Braintree)

Hi! I've played a bit of pathfinder 1ed and some homebrewed campaigns. I would like to find a forever group to join 🙂

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