Listings in Chelmsford
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Chelmsford

Yaseen Nechat
22 year old student full of amounts of whimsy and joy that many consider dangerous
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I've been gaming in one way or another for over a decade, but since Covid I've been a bit stuck playing RPGs online, and I really want to get round a table and enjoy a game in person. I generally prefer to GM and enjoy running Genesys, 40K RPGs or World of Darkness stuff.
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Total beginner, got into D&D by binge watching Dimension 20 videos. I'm 16 and looking for other teenagers to play with! I absolutely love the whole fantasy roleplaying concept and the amount of work that goes into it is something I really admire. I'd like to be good enough to be a DM one day.
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Figure Wargames, Roleplaying Games, Boardgames. Currently not working. Play most things. Tend to be busy during the Summer months (large garden). Free most weekdays other than that. Member of Essex Warriors (Writtle).
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I have been playing RPG's since the 80's and I am currently DMing a Call of Cthulhu campaign at my house in Blackmore on Sunday afternoons. I would like to play or DM another COC game and your listing caught my eye.
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