Listings in Trowbridge
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Trowbridge

Played at uni with a friend group for a year, currently playing in an online campaign with the same group since graduating but really miss playing in-person & want to make some new friends. 21 yr old :)
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Trowbridge Boardgame Group
Our Vtes group has endured for many years, and now we often enjoy a round of Ameritrash boardgames: Chaos in the Old World, Lords of Waterdeep, King of Tokyo, and Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Rise of the Runelords – Base Set were recently in our rotation. Luckily, we've been able to avoid cryptic abbreviations.
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Berniece B
I'm a very experienced D&D player in the Trowbridge area looking to join an existing game.
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"Calling all adventuring enthusiasts, an experienced D&D visionary seeks an ingenious and dedicated player to expand our magical gathering near captivating Trowbridge - join us on this whimsical journey of wonder!"
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