Listings in Swindon
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Swindon

Hi all! Relatively new D&D player here (Played for almost a year). Played exclusively online so far (AboveVTT & Foundry) But looking to explore playing D&D in person, Looking to get my own set of dice and players handbook. I don't drive so can only travel locally in Swindon.
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Hey all, new to Swindon and looking too meet new people and play all sorts of tabletop games at the moment, I have models for Warhammer 40k ,AOS ,Star wars legion, and marvel crisis protocol
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I am a fairly new D&D player, having only started a couple years ago but only playing online (Roll 20). I like to play a Warlock but sometimes change it around.
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Swindon Board Games Group
At The Tawny Owl the Swindon Board Games Group gathers every Monday evening, from 7pm to 11pm. Entry is free and everyone is welcome, regardless of skill level or game preferences. People are welcome to bring their own games, but there's no need to as there's already a good selection available. The pub offerspub food and the group meets in the 'Parliament Room', which can be reached directly from the car park. To get more information, you can go to our Facebook group or follow our twitter account.
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