Listings in Amesbury
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Amesbury

Essex County Gamers
Meet other board gamers and join us for various gaming events across Essex County! From role-playing to strat-gaming and anything in between, come have some brain-burning fun with us! Our events are hosted at board game cafés, public libraries, and hobby shops. For members who want to get more involved, new event organizers and hosts are welcome - contact the leadership team to inquire. With your help, we look forward to seeing you at the gaming table!
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North Shore Dungeons & Dragons Meetup
A North Shore group has been created with the purpose of connecting 5e and various versions of Dungeon & Dragons players. Local stores and DMs located in the North Shore of Massachusetts are welcome to post about their games. Currently, four events are coming up. On September 23rd is the Saturday AL 5e Game on Ixalan at Toys, a plane with pirates, dinosaurs, and areas of mystery. On September 24th is the Sunday 3.5 game at Toys, looking for two to four players. Toy's Sunday 5e Spelljammer Game is also on that day, which is exploring the Crimson Rift and includes UA races and ships. Finally, the Tuesday Night D&D at Toys has reached L20 and looks for players starting at L3. Veteran and beginning players are all welcome. There have been 1722 past events, and the group has 241 members.
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Dungeons and Dragons 2nd Edition Time Machine
This group is for individuals who want to play Dungeons & Dragons' 2nd edition. Our story is based in the fifth century of Britain, using Celtic mythology as its main inspiration. As of the moment, there are no upcoming events, but the organizer, Aaron Carine, is available to contact if needed. There are seven members in the group.
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Dungeons and Dragons 2nd Edition Nostalgia Project
TolkienSir Charles BeresfordSamantha Chapman This group is for anyone, no matter what age, who is looking for some 90s-style gaming fun. We have a fun campaign set in fifth-century Britain, fusing together elements of Celtic mythology with a bit of Arthurian magic. Check out our events for more info, and join us! Our organizer is Aaron Carine, and we currently have 22 members, including JRR Tolkien and Sir Charles Beresford.
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