Listings in Melksham
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Melksham

Added 7 days ago

Xalathor Giltblade
Just want to play table top role playing games. Preferably D&D or Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay.
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Hey there, I'm a recent university graduate (24) looking for, well friendship through hobby mainly now I am back home. I have played DnD among others for years, and I am in need of a new group again.
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Semington Board Gamers
A board game group for local interested people. We play a range of games from ‘starter’ alternative board games like Azul, Catan, Carcassone to more complex games such as Ark Nova. It’s £5pp at the moment. Next sessions at Semington village hall 7:15-10pm 3rd June, 17th June. Really friendly bunch! Come on down
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