Listings in North Yorkshire

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in North Yorkshire

All listings in North Yorkshire

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Emsa (York)

Hi! :-) New to tabletop. Minimal experience, have played a game of Vampire V5, The Witcher TTRPG, and only dabbled in character creation with DnD. Would love to find others interested in any of the above, take me under their wing!

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NotUndeadYet (Northallerton)

I used to roleplay when I was a teenager - D and D, AD and D, Runequest, Rifts, Cyberpunk; also did warhammer gaming, Dark Future, Heroquest, that sort of thing. That was a long time ago (now in my forties). Would consider giving it another go if there was a group that could relate to any of that…

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Dan J (Selby)

Living near Selby, open to playing a mix of board games and up for learning any new ones

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IdiotElf (Northallerton)

Returning DM for D&D looking to get to grips with 5e Rules and run local sessions.

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IdiotElf (Northallerton)

DM from way back when - Now looking to start local group for D&D 5e. Any takers?

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Lee (Selby)

I like to play all kinds of board games i generally prefer the longer games

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CJ (York)

Pathfinder, D &D, Cthulhu, anything, etc

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Peren (Harrogate)

Looking for an in-person D&D 5E group

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