Listings in Harrogate
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Harrogate
Late 30s. Played DnD when I was much younger and possibly looking to get back into it.
Sign in to contactHarrogate Roleplayers
Harrogate Roleplayers is a part of the Harrogate Wargamers Club, operating successfully for over a quarter of a century. Check out our website for information on where we are and when we meet.
Sign in to contactHarrogate Board Gamers (HBG)
We are a welcoming collective located in Harrogate that play a wide variety of boardgames; from those that are easy, to ones that are more demanding. The types of games we play include bluffing and deduction, euros, deck-builders, cooperative, dice games, and tile drafting, etc. We use Meetup to hold socials every weekend, alternating between Saturday and Sunday at various pubs and cafes. Usually, between 5-15 people show up, allowing for 2 or 3 gaming tables each week. Additionally, on weekdays, those who are up for heavier games gather for mid-week sessions.
Sign in to contactHarrogate Wargames Club
We, as a reliable collective, convene every Thursday evening at the RAFA Club in Harrogate from 7:00 pm to 10:30 pm. Our meetings usually draw an audience of 40 players with a diverse selection of board and figure games, along with some captivating role play games.
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