Listings in Scarborough

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Scarborough

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Scarborough Games Society

We convene two nights a week--Mondays and Thursdays--from 6 to 11 pm when we enjoy playing all sorts of games such as board games, cards, miniatures, and roleplay. Furthermore, we periodically arrange functions, as well as trips to conventions, and we invite all game enthusiasts regardless of skill level.

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I.F. Only

We are a group focused on Innocent Fun (I.F.). We don't take enough time to have small moments of joy and pleasure, such as playing outdoors, taking short walks, throwing a ball or frisbee, or meeting for breakfast on a chilly morning at the lake. Bronnie Ware gathered the most frequent regrets people had at the end of their lives and found that not allowing themselves the pleasure of innocent fun was a common one. Therefore, this group aims to cater to anyone who desires to have a fun time with others, doing activities that evoke the same feeling associated with childhood. We have no upcoming events planned.

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Meeples Games Club is a sociable group that meets up bi-monthly at The Summit in Scarborough. We play board games of all types, some of which we keep in our collection and you are more than welcome to bring your own. Refreshments from The Summit's Coffee Lounge, such as drinks and snacks, are available, but it's also ok to bring snacks from the outside. In addition, the large area of the building makes it the ideal spot for gaming. Players of all levels of experience are more than welcome, with the average turnout ranging from 10 to 30 people. On Saturdays, the club has a £1 entry fee to contribute to the cost of new board games, while on Tuesdays there is no entrance fee. And on any other day, Bryan and the other staff at The Hub are happy to have board gamers around and they even join in!

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Ivette U

Hi everyone, I recently moved to the area and I'm looking for a board game club so I can make some new friends. Does anyone know of a good club to join?

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