Listings in Northallerton

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Northallerton

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Mid-20s woman, been playing D&D5e for quite a few years, will DM one-shots from time to time. Have tried a few other systems (EotE, CoC, Mothership, would like to try Pathfinder/Starfinder). Hoping for local group.

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40 year old dnd player (might DM eventually) wondering if any groups in the area? Usually play online with VTTs. Experienced with 5e and a bit of pathfinder but not much else

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Mum of at 14 year old who is keen to find a local place to play war hammer.

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I used to roleplay when I was a teenager - D and D, AD and D, Runequest, Rifts, Cyberpunk; also did warhammer gaming, Dark Future, Heroquest, that sort of thing. That was a long time ago (now in my forties). Would consider giving it another go if there was a group that could relate to any of that…

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Returning DM for D&D looking to get to grips with 5e Rules and run local sessions.

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DM from way back when - Now looking to start local group for D&D 5e. Any takers?

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See also