Listings in Thirsk

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Thirsk

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Played Warhammer Old World a long time ago, always liked the idea of DND but never got round to playing for a number of reasons. I'd like to play army, skirmish, or RPG table-top games. Currently army-less (unless it's Star Wars Legion, as I've the unassembled starter box for that), but that's something I can sort pretty quickly as long as no-one minds it being a WIP as far as painting goes.

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forever DM who is happy to run games or play in them! played a lot of D&D 5e but also have exp with Call of Cthulhu, GURPS, and homebrew. recently moved to Thirsk and looking for an in-person group, happy to run it for anyone!

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Looking to play pathfinder 1e

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Wayward Druid

Long time forever GM of pathfinder 1st edition hoping to be a player for once. 10 years experience with pathfinder 1e, but ive also played 5th ed D&D quite a bit. i have some light experience of other games (traveller, shadowrun, blades in the dark etc.) but not enought to be confident playing. Hoping to find a local group for semi-regular play

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See also