Listings in Waltham Cross
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Waltham Cross

I have DM'd many times for call of cthulhu and pulp cthulhu, nights black agents, cyberpunk red, star trek adventures and other games. Don't do d&d at all. I am a forever DM but would love to play and come as a pair with my gf
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Played lots of original D&D and AD&D 2nd edition in the 1990's when I was a teenager. I was usually the dungeon master because I had a powerful imagination/was good at spontaneous storytelling, but I would prefer to be a player now. I have a lot of original print AD&D 2nd edition stuff, many dozens of books and boxed sets. I also like the Talisman board game; I used to play it when it was 2nd edition, but after some research I have been recently buying up 4th edition revised stuff and look forward to using it. I have my own home in Cheshunt, but am married with three young children, so it would be hard for me to host. I have a car and can easily get to a venue within reasonable distance. (Cheshunt, Waltham Cross, Goffs Oak, Cuffley, Hoddesdon, Hertford, Ware; maybe a few other places.)
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GM John
Hi all, I'm John, and I'm 33. I recently moved down south for work and academia. I am a GM but haven't GM'd a group in a few years. I want to get back into the hobby. I have played in DND 5E, Cyberpunk Red, and World of Darkness campaigns. I have also run two successful Star Wars 'Edge of the Empire and Force & Destiny campaigns up North. I hope to get back into the hobby with other local TTRP enthusiasts. I am system-flexible. I am looking to form a local group.
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NLWG - North London Wargames Club
We offer a broad variety of gaming options, such as Warhammer 40k and Lord of the Rings, and games that are historically themed and denoted by various time periods, including Ancient, Modern, and Naval.
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North London Wargames Club
On the second and fourth Sunday of each month, the time allocated is from 3 p.m. until 7 p.m.
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Cheshunt Wargames Club
We are an amicable bunch of wargamers from Cheshunt (Hertfordshire). Our gaming meets take place twice monthly on Sundays and range from ancient battle simulations to modern and even fantasy and sci-fi boardgames. In addition to waging war on the battlefield, our gatherings permit us to socialise and converse about military history.
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