Listings in Hemel Hempstead
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Hemel Hempstead

I enjoy a more roleplay centric playstyle, as combat can be confusing. I'm willing to learn new games (been looking into Pathfinder 2e) but am mostly just interested in a laidback/casual game I've played a lot of D&D 5e, and a little of Vampire: The Masquerade
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Hemel Games Club
Come by on Tuesdays from 7:30 - 11:00 PM for board games, Magic the Gathering, or any other you'd like to play. The first meeting is on us! Contact us for more info or just drop in to see what it's all about.
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Apsley Tabletop Roleplaying Club
Tabletop Roleplaying is back in Apsley! Formerly known as Manticore and then Hemel Games Club, it's a great place for roleplayers, nerds, and geeks to come together and have some fun. This club meets every Thursday at 18:45, running to 22:00 or 22:30, and everyone from Dungeons & Dragons adventurers to Lightsaber Jedi, Blade Runners, Alien Marines, and Omnipotent Gods are welcome! The Holiday Inn Express provides the venue free of charge; they simply ask that people pay for their food and drinks, and that they park in the Paper Mill car park. A fee of £1.00 is requested as an honesty box to cover the costs of hosting, but you don't have to pay if you're a game master or otherwise can't afford it. For more information, visit
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Hemel Hempstead Wargaming Club
Our gaming community is situated in Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, at the Memorial Hall in Marlowes. We gather every Monday evening (except public holidays) between 7-10pm to play miniatures, covering a variety of kinds such as those by Games Workshop, Privateer Press, Wyrd Miniatures, Spartan Games, GCT Studios and many more. The postcode for the Memorial Hall is HP1 1LD.
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Apsley Tabletop Roleplaying Club
This fun club is open to anyone who enjoys a great time and clever schemes. Every Thursday night from 6:45pm until 10:00pm, we invite all sorts of creative individuals--from Dungeon & Dragons adventuress to Jedi masters, from Blade Runners to God-like characters--to come around. We are very lucky to have Holiday Inn Express provide us with a venue free of cost, so we kindly ask that people only purchase food and drinks. To cover the group's Meetup fees, a one-pound fee per person is collected in an honesty box. If you're a Dungeon Master or have difficulty affording the cost, there is no charge for you at all! Wanting to run a game during the night? Please include the needed experience and the amount of people you can take.
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