Listings in Hatfield
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Hatfield

Middle aged nerd looking to play Kill team, Necromunda, 40k and other table top games.
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Hatfield, Hertfordshire table top games
We gather in the function room at The White Heart the final Thursday of each month. On our Facebook page, you can find us at - and the cost to attend is £5, which helps cover the cost of the space. We strive to keep fees as low as possible and if enough people participate, we'll add more meet-ups throughout the month. The bar serves refreshments that you can purchase during the night. We welcome anyone interested in playing board games, card games, and role-playing games to join us.
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Calamity Comics Hatfield
Each Wednesday from 7 to 11 PM is the time for TableTop Gaming and Dungeons and Dragons. On Fridays from 7 to 11 PM, it's time for Final Fantasy and Magic the Gathering.
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Hi everyone - I'm looking for a board game club in the local area but I'm a bit nervous. Does anyone have advice or tips on how to join?
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