Listings in Hertfordshire

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Hertfordshire

All listings in Hertfordshire

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Added about 6 hours ago

DME17 (Waltham Cross)

I have DM'd many times for call of cthulhu and pulp cthulhu, nights black agents, cyberpunk red, star trek adventures and other games. Don't do d&d at all. I am a forever DM but would love to play and come as a pair with my gf

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Added about 7 hours ago

Jons (Bishop's Stortford)

Hello to any of my fellow TTRPG gaming geeks! I am a middle-aged man, a 45 year old man-child looking to find a like-minded gaming group to play some kind of tabletop role playing adventure game. I never knew these types of games even existed for 40 of those years, but was introduced to the Glass Cannon podcast at the outset of the pandemic and fell in love with TTRPGs overnight. Anyone else a Glass Cannon groupie? Happy to play Pathfinder (1e or 2e), Starfinder, D&D, Call of Cthulu, Delta Green, Traveller, Pendragon, Vampire The Masquerade, Dune, Star Wars or any other similar style RPG. I have DM/GM'd multiple times in the past in order to just play, but to be honest I would rather be a player and let someone else drive the bus for once. Hopefully there are some similarly minded folks out there willing to give me a shot. Would like to play once a fortnight or even once a month. Here's hoping.

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Added 2 days ago

Chazza99 (Bishop's Stortford)

Completely new to DnD, no idea what I'm doing but really want to start playing!

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Added 9 days ago

Andrew (Ware)

Laid back forever DM looking to build a group and make new friends in Ware. I prefer the 2014 ruleset, but I'm happy to toy with the new rules in a oneshot format as well.

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Added 15 days ago

carl (Hitchin)

play a game a league of anime and gaming . now looking to others

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Added 16 days ago

R (Stevenage)

I have never played D&D but have always wanted to.

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MattG (Hitchin)

brand new to dnd, me and my partner looking to try it out for the first time and find a group locally. Have watched some dnd games been played and bought the starter set….not realising you can’t really do it with just two people as one person has to be the DM.

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Emma (Hitchin)

Never played before but would love to try dnd 5e.

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Mia (Hitchin)

I’m Mia, 23. Looking for casual or serious games! I’ve played in a handful of DND one shots and a couple long online pathfinder games that eventually split up. I’m looking to play with anyone my age and older! I really want to make more friends in the area too!

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Joshua (Hemel Hempstead)

DnD enthusiast

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Jim (Waltham Cross)

Played lots of original D&D and AD&D 2nd edition in the 1990's when I was a teenager. I was usually the dungeon master because I had a powerful imagination/was good at spontaneous storytelling, but I would prefer to be a player now. I have a lot of original print AD&D 2nd edition stuff, many dozens of books and boxed sets. I also like the Talisman board game; I used to play it when it was 2nd edition, but after some research I have been recently buying up 4th edition revised stuff and look forward to using it. I have my own home in Cheshunt, but am married with three young children, so it would be hard for me to host. I have a car and can easily get to a venue within reasonable distance. (Cheshunt, Waltham Cross, Goffs Oak, Cuffley, Hoddesdon, Hertford, Ware; maybe a few other places.)

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Lee7018 (Hemel Hempstead)

I enjoy a more roleplay centric playstyle, as combat can be confusing. I'm willing to learn new games (been looking into Pathfinder 2e) but am mostly just interested in a laidback/casual game I've played a lot of D&D 5e, and a little of Vampire: The Masquerade

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awalterschulze (Stevenage)

I would like to try dnd. I have played Baldurs Gate 1, 2, 3, Neverwinter, Icewindale, but I have never played dnd in person and would like to try it.

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M (Hoddesdon)

Friendly 5e player, not too experienced but not a noob, happy to fill any role needed in a party and always up to roleplay a bit!

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M (Hoddesdon)

Friendly 5e player, not too experienced but not a noob, happy to fill any role needed in a party and always up to roleplay a bit!

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Amelia (Ware)

24 NB/TF looking for a local tabletop group in Ware! My experience is mainly in playing and DMing D&D 5e but I'm open to learning other systems! I enjoy a good balance of character roleplay and exploration/combat.

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beans (Hoddesdon)


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Spencer (Sawbridgeworth)

Been playing D&D 5e for about a year now but have had an interest in it for years. Keen to DM in the future and also would love to run a Root RPG campaign at some point if anyone is interested. Love to join any campaigns and have a love/habit for creating quite in-depth back story for my characters :D

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thewizardofware (Ware)

39F experienced player in a few systems, looking for a local group! Or even to form one from scratch, although I’m not (yet) a DM. Prefer D&D or call of Cthulhu, but kinda curious about Pathfinder and other (mostly fantasy) stuff too.

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Alex (Hitchin)

I’m a 24 year old male, looking to join a dnd group, I haven’t played before but am familiar with some of the rules. Would be interested in 5e 2014 or 2024

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