Listings in Shipley
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Shipley

Blood on Shipley Clocktower
Group of local players of the social deduction game Blood on the Clocktower. Games currently run on 1st & 3rd Thu of the month at The Triangle along Bradford Road 7 - 11pm. With Sunday Games once a month at The Groovepad on Saltaire Road 1 - 7pm Come find us on Facebook & Eventbrite.
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Play alot of negotiation, 4X & social deduction games such as Twilight Imperium 4, Blood on the Clocktower, Oath & John Company. Also an avid RPG player and GM, running games of CoC and keen player of most systems, most recently got into the Free League Zero Engine with games such as Vaesen & Alien
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Looking to play 40k. Played blood angels about 7 years ago but want to get back into it but moved down from Durham and don’t really know anyone in the area
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Some experience with Warhammer (Necrons) & MTG. Really love console gaming but wanting more table top gaming experience
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Shipley Tabletop Gaming
We are looking to expand our fun club with new members! We will be playing board games, card games, and main wargaming systems such as 40K, AOS, and Bolt Action. We also have activities related to painting miniatures and constructing terrain. Everyone is welcome, no matter the age, but those under 16 need to join with an adult. We are in the process of securing a venue for our new meetings.
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Midlife Dices
Do you consider yourself to be a gamer, curious about gaming, or just looking for a valid reason to socialize in Saltaire/Shipley on a Tuesday night? Look no further than Midlife Dices! We gather every second Tuesday from 7 till approximately 10 PM at the Cap and Collar Bar; here, gamers of all kinds and stripes can enjoy a huge variety of board games - even if you haven't rolled the dice in twenty years! Beyond monopoly awaits you; let us introduce you to a new way to have fun! Are you a gamer, a newbie to gaming, or just in need of an excuse to hang out in Saltaire/Shipley on a Tuesday night? Midlife Dices could be the perfect option! We get together every second Tuesday of the month between 7 and 10(ish) at the Cap and Collar Bar, offering board games of all varities for players of all levels. And don't worry if you haven't touched a dice in ages - come and discover how there's more to life than monopoly!
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