Listings in Ilkley
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Ilkley

Wharfedale Table Top Games
A group based in Burley In Wharfedale interested in table top games. We want to provide an inclusive and welcoming community for all ages who enjoy tabletop wargaming, roleplaying games, miniature painting and other similar activities. Bring a game and recruit players or find a game you'd like to try. We currently play, Warhammer, D&D, Star Wars and some various boardgames. Always open to new games though.
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Warhammer enthusiast. I run a small community table top games club called Wharfedale Table Top Games. It runs weekly from Burley in Wharfedale. Costs £5 for a game. We primarily play Warhammer all varieties but equally we have a D&D group that meet in the same space so all welcome.
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I run a boardgame group in Ilkley West Yorkshire. We meet 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month upstairs at the Flying Duck Ilkley. We also have a larger games afternoon last Sunday of the month at All Saints Church Ilkley. We run all levels of game from bandido to Twilight Imperium and have our members happy to teach. You dont need to being anything to play as there are always plenty of games on offer.
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