Listings in Keighley
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Keighley
Added 29 days ago
40k Enthusiast, mainly hobby side but wanting to play some small games again in a v chilled environment. Have a few armies, terrain, dice so good to go.
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Painter more than a fighter and need to learn! Warhammer 40K and AoS. Recently started 6mm napoleonic french army…
Sign in to contactKeighley Tabletop Combat
We are an inviting group that meets up every Thursday night from 6pm to 9:30pm to play nearly any kind of tabletop game you can think of - Board Games, Miniature Wargames, Card Games, and Role-playing Games like D&D. There's a snack shop, free parking, and an unlimited supply of tea and coffee. We love having new people join us!
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