Listings in West Yorkshire
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in West Yorkshire
All listings in West Yorkshire

Martyn (Bradford)
Long time Taboe Top RPG watcher but never a player. Would love to play with a group before all my free time disappears as adulting takes my evenings away from me as my 30s approach too quickly
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ultrawill477 (Leeds)
im a young teen looking for a group of lads to play a fun game of dnd with
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Alex (Pontefract)
9 years experience running and playing games. My main system is Pathfinder 1e but I've also had experience with Pathfinder 2e, DnD 5e, Blades in the Dark, Edge of the Empire, and Delta Green. Happy to play any system. Happy to run Pathfinder 1e games and I have several prewritten campaigns.
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Mahjong Yorkshire (Guiseley)
Looking for people interested in playing or learning to play mahjong (British Rules, Riichi, Traditional etc.), why not visit our website
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reece (Huddersfield)
wanting to make and participate my character/s to DND altough im new to it would like a group to join
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Ross (Keighley)
Long time roleplaying gamer looking for new people to play with having moved to West Yorkshire fairly recently. Interested in all sorts of games from Dungeons and dragons to the One Ring to apocalypse world to even more obscure games.
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Charlotte (Pontefract)
DnD New player. Seen previous games so I have a basic understanding of the game but never played. Able to travel to games if needed.
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Holly (Todmorden)
I've been playing dnd 5e for about 4 years now, but I've been looking into playing other rpgs like call of cthulhu and deadlands. I'm looking for a group to play with in the west yorkshire/greater manchester area. I'm just a gal who wants to meet cool people and do cool things.
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Deanna (Leeds)
I’m fairly new to tabletop games, I’m looking to learn how to play dnd, and/ or other tabletop and card games. I’m friendly, 20 years old and curious to learn.
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Joeleo (Wakefield)
Play all kinds of cooperative board games and getting more into TTRPGs of late
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Gandy (Bingley)
Early 40s, no experience playing TTRPGs, but avid miniature painter and looking to get into TTRP.
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Alex (Hebden Bridge)
Hi! I've been playing DND for around 2 years now and have just moved to the area. I am looking for a new group to DM for or play with. Thanks!
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