Listings in West Yorkshire

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in West Yorkshire

All listings in West Yorkshire

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Added 4 days ago

Col (Leeds)

Not gamed since the accident. Now healed, I am once again ready to run and hide from terrible things

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Added 10 days ago

Ben (Keighley)

Looking for a local group to play tabletop games

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Added 10 days ago

JFR (Bingley)

New GM looking for players to experience games other then D&D 5e. Mork Bork, Cy_borg, Stars without Number, Gurps, Black Hack, Index Card RPG OSR games, Basic Roleplaying, Delta Green, Dungeon Crawl Classic, Mutant Crawl Classics, EZD6. I prefer Sci-fi and science fantasy but anything goes really! Beginners are welcome, we will decide the game system depending on what style of game we want to play - Let's use the right system for the feel of the game. Getting into Rules lite stuff at the moment - But wanting to create openworlds that we all enjoy and contribute to

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Added 14 days ago

Dan (Keighley)

Painter more than a fighter and need to learn! Warhammer 40K and AoS. Recently started 6mm napoleonic french army…

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Added 23 days ago

Dane (Huddersfield)

New player, 40k

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Added 28 days ago

Andrew (Hebden Bridge)

Older player returning to the hobby. Open to playing most things but have a soft spot for Stormbringer & Deadlands.

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Azuz (Huddersfield)

I have zero experience in DND but I've wanted to join a group for awhile now but haven't really figured out how one does join.

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Griz (Shipley)

Some experience with Warhammer (Necrons) & MTG. Really love console gaming but wanting more table top gaming experience

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Kristian (Bradford)

I've never played but I would like to play dungeons and dragons.

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Eduj (Bradford)

Looking to play warhammer and other GW relate games (They're the only ones I have)

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Tankster666 (Bradford)

I’m been wanting to play dnd since I was a kid (35 now) but due to being a loner I never made friends who would play dnd. I love to play watched and listen to podcast of dnd. I’m mainly looking at dnd maybe others as long as it not 40k I can’t figure how to play that lol even though I love the books and YouTube videos of it

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Adam (Bradford)

I play mtg, 40K, AOS, kill team, war cry and DnD. Always happy to meet for a game at a lgs.

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Chris (Bradford)

just got into D&D looking to find a group

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Puzzle (Bingley)

Just getting into 40k. Got a small Custodes army! Played a few games but not super great. Looking for some casual gaming to learn the rules properly.

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HMD (Huddersfield)

I'm looking to start a new group as DM. In person, Saturdays or Sunday afternoon/evening. Completely free to play, new/inexperienced welcome - I'm happy to teach as we play.

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Franwade (Ilkley)

I run a boardgame group in Ilkley West Yorkshire. We meet 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month upstairs at the Flying Duck Ilkley. We also have a larger games afternoon last Sunday of the month at All Saints Church Ilkley. We run all levels of game from bandido to Twilight Imperium and have our members happy to teach. You dont need to being anything to play as there are always plenty of games on offer.

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Simon (Hebden Bridge)

Moved to the area and looking for a D&D group or any type of table game. Been gaming on and off for the last 30 years

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Arron (Halifax)

Reasonably experienced with dnd 5e. Played a few sessions of pf2e

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Itsthelimit (Otley)

Life playing magic draft, sealed, cube

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bwkerenza (Bradford)

Into euro style board games and would like to get into some more RPG. Have been playing some DnD with my kids but also have some experience with WoD and d10 systems like Witchcraft.

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