Listings in Rossendale

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Rossendale

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Added 27 days ago


Hi! I'm 29, female and live in Crawshawbooth, I've played a few campaigns in the past with my sister and friends at a store, looking for a new group to adventure with on a regular basis. Still need some prompting when playing, and tend to play the wildcard more than anything, but it's never boring when Dibbles in involved. Please reach out if you would like a bit more chaos in your games!

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Added 28 days ago


Wanted to try DND for a while but not had people to do it with. Looking to play a campaign with people

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Johnette H

Hey all! Experienced D&D 5e player in or near Rossendale looking for an adventurous group to join. Anybody got something going?

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Is there anyone out there in or around Rossendale who'd like to play a one-shot using only official D&D rules with me as the DM?

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See also