Listings in Chorley
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Chorley

Played some DnD 5e when I used to play in Australia with a group there for about a year and a half, haven't played in a good 3 years and really want to find a group nearby. Feel free to get in contact. 23M. :)
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Hi! I’m Tom, I live in Euxton and I’m hoping to meet fellow nerdy folk around the Chorley area and play some games! I’d love to try D&D !
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Just recently moved to the area, looking to meet people locally who enjoy D&D and other TTRPGs. Open to DMing in the new year, but at the moment just looking to connect with like-minded people.
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Never played any TTRPG - looking to try out some D&D etc. Also looking for people to play wargames/skirmish games with.
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I have never played before and to be honest find it a little daunting as it seems really complicated. Apart from that I find the world of warhammer extremely cool and often listen to lore videos to send me off to sleep. I have built gunpla in the past and love to paint so finding a legion that suits me and painting it sounds incredibly appealing. I also recently noticed a neighbour who lives across the street priming a tyranid and he mentioned the harlequins. I lent him a white light magnifying lamp I have as I don't have an army to paint yet. So yeah thout I would get in touch and see what you guys are all about. Thanks David.
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Played 5e on and off for 8 years and dabbled in a few other systems in that time. Most recently DM'd an in person Curse of Strahd campaign which was great fun. Looking to join or start a campaign, preferably IRL, in the Lancashire area. Open to learning new systems also.
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