Listings in Oldham
Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Oldham

Hack Oldham Tabletop Role Playing Games Group
Join our fun and friendly gaming group in our purpose built event space. We have a huge variety of games, books, resources and miniatures for you to use. Join our ongoing games or run your own! Check out for details.
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Diced Tea
We are an inviting boardgaming group that meets every other Saturday. All are welcome to come by, get in some games, and have a blast! We convene each alternate Saturday at the Holy Trinity Coldhurst on Crompton Street, Oldham OL1 2DB from 11am until 4pm. It is free for the first time and then there is a nominal fee of £3 per gathering to cover rental of the premises.
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Diced Tea
We’re a warm and welcoming boardgaming group that gathers every two Saturdays in Oldham for a variety of different games – from Coup and Resistance to Ticket to Ride and Lords of Waterdeep, as well as Ameri-trash such as Chaos in the Old World and Cosmic Encounter. We also arrange large-scale games, like Eldritch Horror, as well as tabletop miniatures and living card games. All are welcome to join and play, and it’s free your first time dedicating! We’ll meet up at Holy Trinity Coldhurst from 11am to 4 pm, with a £3 entry fee covering the renting of the hall and refreshments. There’s plenty of free on-street parking available and great public transport options. There’s even discounts with Grim Tree Games if you purchase something. Follow us on twitter @DicedTeaGaming and find us on Facebook at the group page!
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Is anyone looking for an experienced D&D player in the Lancashire area?
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Roderick M
Hi, I'm a 41 year old looking for a Board Game club in my area. Does anyone know of any?
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