Listings in Burnley

Below you'll find every active listing we have for TTRPG groups and players in Burnley

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Late 50's. RPG geek and all round fantasy and sci Fi nerd. Looking to put together a regular game in person and at table, after the disruption of COVID and life trauma killed off my previous group. My family play every week, but I dislike remote or online playing, which they thrive on. Or 5e if I'm honest. I run fantasy, mainly d20, cyberpunk, traveller games. We used to play lots of board games too. I can accommodate 5 plus me, with plenty of room.

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Lewis looking for a game

Just having a quick look to see if anyone locals playing not at a shop

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Used to enjoy a wide range of RPGs when I was younger; D&D, Traveller, GURPs, etc. and all sorts of TTGs. Not played much for years but find myself with free time and would love to revisit gaming :) I'm male, early 50s, easy to get on with, bit of a geek! New to this site too, apologies if I send multiple requests to anyone haha :D

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Hail and well met! I am looking for an 'in person' 5e D&D game in the local area. I have been playing for 4 years, mostly DMing, I actually wanting to play a game this time instead of running one. I am a professional actor and a big Critter (fan of Critical Role) I also 3d print and paint minis too. Get in touch if you have a space in your game to suit.

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Hello I'm Rachael (she/her) Age: 43 Hobbies/interests: Reading, Studying, Fantasy/sci-fi books, films, TV series, gaming (PS3/5, Ninetendo Switch, and DnD. Love watching documentaries about history, biology, astronomy, crime, as well as pagan beliefs, mythology. Basically your typical nerd/geek. Career: Currently studying to become a nurse so escapism from my study and responsibilities is great. Currently being tested for AuDHD so sorry if I am "weird", although I think a word where everyone thinks the same would be boring 🙂 I am looking for TTRPGs/DND groups that are mixed.

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